Since doing a startup, work is not “work” anymore, says Fatima Akhtar and Daria Fu, who both found new perspectives and a calling in their JFDI Discover startup D Concierge.

D Concierge founder Fatima Akhtar (right) pushes through a coaching session with JFDI Discover Lean Coach Sharon Sesaldo (left), despite feeling unwell.
1. Tell us about your startup and team – who are you, and what are you aiming to do?
We are D Concierge. We hope to make high-end interior design services accessible to all at any budget.
2. What brought you to JFDI Discover?
We were encouraged after reading about the tech scene and learning about the wonderful startups that took off from the JFDI platform.
3. Why did you start this business?
We are aware that interior design industry offers elite services requiring high upfront cost. Since lot of people are also in debt because of the aspiration to have a nice home, we aim to offer quality interior design services fit for any budget.
4. What were some of the challenges you faced before joining JFDI Discover?
There are very weak in technological solutions.
5. How did JFDI Discover help your startup?
With the help of JFDI Discover, we were given some exposure to other startups.
6. What was your favorite and least favorite aspect of JFDI Discover?
Our favorite is the online course, which is really good because it gives us a 24-hour access and we can replay at will. The least favorite aspect is the gap between content knowledge and understanding that has not been bridged.
7. What is the one lesson you took away from JFDI Discover that you think other founders should know too?
Being part of JFDI Discover has given us an understanding about the risk prioritization matrix.
8. Where is your team planning to go from here?
After learning about the business model, creating the product and risk prioritization on JFDI Discover, we are building our product to launch.
9. Which resources do you look to for startup related advice? Have you read any books on startups?
Our usual reads include the Hardvard Business Review, The Lean Startup, and among others. We have not read any books on startups yet.
10. What topics do you want us to write about?
Inspiring stories and experiences of startup founders will definitely inspire us and other startup companies as well.
11. Who would you recommend to Discover?
Nobody at the moment.
12. What was the biggest surprise for you coming out of the program?
Actually seeing a snapshot of how the business and product are made gave us a new and unexpected perspective of the startup.
13. How has doing a startup impacted your life?
Since doing a startup, we discovered a simpler life. Funny enough, we were cured of a shopping addiction after we shifted our passion to work. Now, work is not “work” anymore.
Steph Jarina is on the editorial team of JFDI.Asia. You can follow her on Twitter at @stephjarina.