Let the show begin: Startup Weekend Melbourne

Nov 5, 2011 Uncategorized 0 comments

photo-copy-2What a great night in Melbourne!

We arrived just on time to Startup Weekend Melbourne for some pizza and Australian microbrews. About 160 people showed up tonight at the York Butter Factory.

There were 44 pitches last night and 20 winning ideas plus a couple of teams who have decided to continue on their own. Here is the shortlist:

#swmelb Simon, programmer: “SME-grade” tools for sportclubs and nonprofits to organize and notify each other.notforprofitomatic.

#swmelb Cyril Gaillard: iOS game to teachmath. Help him build TweetyFly so he can stop stalking ex-gfson FB. Need devs.”

#swmelb Steven Wright: Graff.it web platform to connect streetartists with owners of blank walls.

#swmelb HouseWithMe. gumtree is shit. Make real estatesocial. Profiles for sharehouses and their candidatehousemates. Seek lots of help.

#swmelb Erin: PimpMyPlaySpace: website for urbanrevitalization & greening. Need designers, coders, and businessmentoring on monetization.

#swmelb Ophelia wants to build a web platform inspired by99designs to connect social media marketing strategists withstartups.

#swmelb Rolf von Behrens: The Secret Food Network, a SNSfor people who love food; gets you offline. Looking to hire CXOand UX.

#swmelb Nathan and Mitesh want to solve the dilemma ofonline shopping; fitting clothes is risky. SizeMeUp, apersonalized size solution.

#swmelb Sarah Worboys wants to use kinect to learn her gfs’sizes for online shopping garment fit sizing; will this fit me ormy sister?

#swmelb Jodi: the Farmgate Network: direct sales for farmers,timber, manure. Mobapp. Seek business, fin, legal, & links toagri.

#swmelb Alex pitches app for uni studies to make studyschedules turned advertisement platform that tracks studentactivity. Brainy.

#swmelb WeTeachMe.com: platform connecting learners withteachers. Need UX, iPhone, app devs.

#swmelb PrizeFunder. Matthew Kwan. Kickstarter/99Designslets you pledge money toward needed inventions. Is this notOpenIdeo?

#swmelb Craig Lanby, in orange, of TrueSecretsMelbourne.OmList: Unified messaging multi-media outbox. NeedHTML5/iOS/Android devs.

#swmelb Daniel See’s sister lost 12kg and won $700. SNSversion of Biggest Loser * kickstarter? Group weigh-ins. Rakethe pot. FoodFight.

#swmelb Albert Jou: PTView: facilitating parent/teacherinterviews for children overseas. 100 teachers, 100 parents,time zones. Flash, UI.

#swmelb Gaurav Dadhania: seek unified message inbox tomore easily stalk entertainers he has a crush on, so he cancreep concerts in person.

#swmelb Johnny the neuroscientist wants to build a “searchengine” that combines multiple results for a revshare, needstech, javascript.

#swmelb Clair Maurice: FaceBookBook: condense the last Nmonths of FB into a physical diary / photo essay of your (orothers’) lives.

#swmelb Andrew Fernbach the wage slave lawyer is buildingSpaceCash, so anyone can become a walking/driving/gardeningbillboard. Need devs.

#swmelb Ben Loe, economist. Let’s Make Giving Fun. Is Chore;We Get Hassled. Self-taxing secondhand goods for charity.

#swmelb Peter Jenkins: quest to change the news. A platform for social newsmaking allows news orgs to buy social media. Need devs, designrs.